Some of you may recall, from our AGM in the spring, discussions regarding safety and access issues along Hwy 14 in our communities. Although this has been a very long-standing issue, we have been hearing increasing concerns from our communities and social media, via our FaceBook page, as well as neighbouring municipalities, on the issues of road safety, speed of some vehicles (particularly industrial vehicles and motorcycles) and increased traffic volumes which have hampered both the public road safety and the smooth movement of traffic along this important artery.

These concerns have been expressed through the launch of social media campaigns such as the #DividedBy14 initiated by Sooke residents, as well as our CRD Director contacting forest companies re: early/late hour noise of un-muffled motorcycles and unsafe speeds of industrial truck traffic travelling through our communities. At the September 5th board meeting, OPSRRA directors drafted and are sending a letter to our MLA, the Honourable John Horgan expressing our concerns about access and safety including the lack safe pullouts and signage, unsafe shoulders for pedestrians and cyclists, the need for more traffic and speed enforcement and the increased number of accidents.

Directors have also decided to host a General Membership meeting this fall to discuss safety and access Issues along Hwy 14 and explore possibilities for improvement. Details are still being worked out, but please hold the date of Sunday November 5 at 1:30 PM in the JdF Services Building (3–7450 Butler Road, Otter Point) for this important meeting.